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Itami Public Matches - Filming

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Itami Public Matches - Filming Empty Itami Public Matches - Filming

Post by Blackbird Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:37 am

Ace is currently working on some montage videos for Itami and I am as well. We would appreciate it if you guys would join us in public matches for filming. I'm not sure when Acellamy is available however I will be creating matches on: 1/22/2017 (Sunday), 8:30 PM EST - 1/27/2017 (Friday), 8:30 PM EST  I urge any and all Itami members to try and make it for at least one of the filming dates. I'll only be filming for an hour or two.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2017-01-18
Age : 79
Location : USSR

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